Sanitary District 1
The Town created Sanitary District 1 under the authority of State Statute 60.71. It is intended to serve the area on both sides of Tipperary Rd. and Wildcat Road near Lake Wisconsin as shown on Map 8 of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Commissioners are appointed by the Town Board and consist of 3 members serving 6-year staggered terms. There is no sanitary sewer infrastructure, service provided or contemplated in this district at the present time.
Ken Erdahl
W10850 Fox Glen
Poynette, WI 53955
Phone: (608) 712-7674
Email: [email protected]
No Term Limit
No Term Limit
No Term Limit
Sanitary District 2
The Town created Sanitary District 2 under the authority of State Statute 60.71. It is intended to serve the area on both sides of County Highway CS near Lake Wisconsin west of Whalen’s Grade as shown on Map 8 of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Commissioners are appointed by the Town Board and consist of 3 members serving 6-year staggered terms. There is no sanitary sewer infrastructure, service provided, or contemplated in this district at the present time.
Kim Lindholm
W10933 Corning St.
Poynette, WI 53955-9763
Phone: (608) 206-3168
Email: [email protected]
No Term Limit
No Term Limit
No Term Limit