
State Statute 81.01 requires the Town Board to be responsible for the care and supervision of all highways in the Town. It also allows the board to appoint a superintendent of  Town roads, or instead provide for all the duties and responsibilities of the superintendent laid out in the State Statute. The Town Board has chosen to appoint a Roads Supervisor and establish a Town Roads Committee to assist it in executing its statutory duties. The committee consists of the Roads Supervisor, another town board supervisor, and a citizen member, each serving a 2-year term. Among its duties is an annual tour and assessment of all town roads during which a WisDOT established PASER condition rating is assigned as well as documentation of other conditions and problems. This data is then entered into the WisDOT WISLR computer-assisted budgeting tool which creates a 5-year expenditure plan to assist the Town Board in allocating funds to crack-fill, seal-coat, overlay or replace roads. The Roads Supervisor ensures that Town road mileage on the WisDOT map is correct as well as annually submits to WisDOT a listing or work performed on Town roads. The committee also advises on the utilization of County Matching Aids.

Town Roads Supervisor

Roger Palmer

Phone: (608)658-0104
Email: [email protected]

Term Expires: 04/25


Michelle Hartley

Phone: (608)279-4320
Email: [email protected]

Term Expires: 04/24



Phone: (608)

Term Expires: 2-year term

Town Road Information

The Town of Dekorra has several County Highways, State Highway 51 and Interstate Highway I39/90/94 within its boundaries.  Please see the following links for project information on these roads

County Roads

State Roads