Parks and Recreational Facilities


Mini-Parks typically serve a residential neighborhood within ¼ mile and are less than 1 acre in size.

Neighborhood Parks

Neighborhood parks include areas for intense recreational activities such as field games, court games, playground equipment, and can be from 1 to 9 acres in size.

Community Parks

Community parks are generally 10 to 20 acres and may have lighted playfields, spectator areas, restroom facilities, and picnic shelters.

Water Access – Developed

These areas provide access to the lake or river from Town Roads. Some are improved with a pier and driveway. Some are grass access only that may primarily serve as storm water run-off areas.

Water Accesses – Undeveloped (possible access from the water)

These accesses are remnants of own Town Road plats and/or public water access as required in Ordinance 10.82(b)(1) which also may serve as storm water run-off areas.

Natural Area, Conservancy and Green Space Preservation

These areas are set aside for their natural beauty, their function of concentrating storm water runoff, and their benefit to residents, vacationers and wildlife.